Friday, September 26, 2008
*.* the seven powerful prnciples *.*
Discovering your purpose
Growing your character
Dating responsibly
Managing your time and money
Finding hope when things go wrong
Developing a relationship with god
Standing against peer pressure
Me blogged @ | 8:47 AM

Sunday, September 21, 2008
Last sat, i went for church service wif my mum as well as my fren, tim.
During church serivce, i sat wif them. Halfway through the service, tim gave me a packet of tissue as he thought i was crying. After the service, tim n i went into the shop inside the church coz he wanted to buy unleashed album.
He asked me if i have the cd then i told him that i have. He asked me to burn him one.
Later, while walking back to city hall mrt station, i sms him and ask if i can ask him out nxt time. He agreed.
Me blogged @ | 6:44 PM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I will be gg for DARE service this sat. I like to go church service very much coz it is fun. :) Haiz but exams coming soon sian. I will feel stress when exams is coming. :( Hope tat i can pass all my exams.
Me blogged @ | 12:18 AM

Thursday, September 11, 2008
*.* Wat i have learn from church *.*
Building the foundation of discipleship (2 Timonthy 1:1-7)
What is Building the foundation of discipleship
a) Personal Growth
b) Become more vigilant
c) Greater dependence on God
1) Relationship is the basis for discpleship
-life to life and heart to heart partation
-Sprit is called not taught
1 Corinthians 13:1-2
-The bible says: Jesus say "This will be the third time i am coming to you" By the mouth of two or three withness every word shall be established."(V1)
-The bible says: Jesus say: I have told you before and foretell as if i were present the second time, and now being abesnt. I write to those who have sinned before, and to all the rest, that if i come again i will not spare.(V2)
-Humans are social monster
-Love by god has no expiry date
1 Corinthians 13:13
The bible says: Jesus say " and now abide faith,hope,love,these,three but the greatest of these love.
- Love is the key to be foundation of discipleship
2) Modeling is the means for discipleship
(2 Timonthy 3:10)
-The bible says: Jesus says "but you have carefully followed my doctrine manner of life,purpose,faith,longsuffering, love perseverance.
Philippians 3:17
-The bible says: Brethren join in following my example, and note those who so walk as you have us for a pattern.
1 Corintians 11:1
-The bible says: Immitate me, just as i also imitate christ
Matthew 7:28-29
- The bible says: And so it was when jesus had ended these sayings that the people were astonised at his teaching.(V28)
-For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes.(v29)
3)Prayer in the power of discipleship
2 Kings 2:9
- The bible says: Andso it was. when they had crossed over that ellijah said to elisha, "Ask!What may i do for you, before i am taken away from u?" Elisha said " Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me".
Matthew 28:18-20
-The bible says: And jesus cams and spoke to them saying " All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth."(V18)
-Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of Father and of the son and the holy sprit.V19)
-teaching them to observe all things that i have commanded you: and lo, i am with you always even to the end of the age" AMEN!!!(v20)
hmmm this are the teachings that i learn from pastor benjamin on aug 30 at my church.
Haiz recently sad i dunno why
I Hope i can God can watch over me *Praying*
For Common Test i juz pass the exam what should i do lord and as for Eng i onli got 58 that is more worse Haiz O Mighty Lord what should i do can u give me an answer can u sent down ur grace and wisdom and guard me for my studies....LORD im really lost i need you to help me for my studies i wanted to go to a poly that i wish to go and the course that i wanted to pick up O LORD Please help me....
YAY this coming Friday will be caregroup yay finally can gather with my church group memebers DI for worship with the lord cant wait for that day to come WOW woohooo really cant bear to worship my lord and i can say : I LOVE LORD JESUS AND THANK YOU LORD FOR ALWAYS BE THERE FOR ME THANK YOU!!!!
AS for this coming weekend i gona start study for my exam i dont want to fail again i wanted to sit down quietly and start study for my subject exam such as : Tourism, Office adminstration and last but not least Event management WTH so many subject to learn i can die NVM praise the lord be there for me that he make me for this weekend free for me so that i can study THANK U LORD!!!! I will concentrate no more games i wanted to go to the poly i wanted to go and the course i wanted to pick up. *Say Prayers* LORD PLEASE WATCH OVER ME
Me blogged @ | 12:33 AM

*.* About how god help us *.*
JESUS do answer prayers he is also our forgiver and savior let me share with you about JESUS
✞In the bible says Jesus is known as the son of God.. God sent his only son to this world because the world has basically become quite messed up. Though He was a spiritual being like God, He came and walked on earth as a physical man … all for a simple reason to love us!
✞When God created us, He meant for us to know Him. Not just know Him but to have a real personal relationship with Him just like a child with a good loving father
✞But we are sinful and basically don’t always choose to do the right things. You see when we do wrong things (may it cheating or lying or even having anger in the heart) it is ‘sin’ in the eyes of God. This decision to sin causes us to be separated from God
✞Nevertheless, man may still tries to reach God by living a good life, doing good works and following a certain good religion. All these so called “human efforts” just does not work, nothing will, at least not without God.
✞So what did God do? As I shared earlier, He sent His only son Jesus Christ to this world. Though He did not do anything wrong, He was wrongly persecuted and was punished on the cross. When He died, He paid the price of all our sins and created a path for us back to God.
✞Now this is so wonderful because it’s God’s gift to us. We can now decide to cross over by admitting that we have sinned and needed His forgiveness and leadership in our life
Me blogged @ | 12:30 AM

*.* Bible (JOHN 5:24) *.*
✞As the bible says: Those who are being save does not come into judgement but has passed out of death into life
Me blogged @ | 12:28 AM

*.* Bible (Hebrews 4:12) *.*
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
Me blogged @ | 12:22 AM

Saturday, September 6, 2008
*.* Celebrating my cousin's birthday *.*
Ystd my cousin get sabo by his friend by throwing cake on him. Some of his fren went to NTUC to buy some packet of flour n some eggs to throw at him while my cousin use packets of water to throw at them. One of my friend kana throw a bag of dirt water by my cousin. His shirt is all dirty n smelly. He took off his shirt n wash it coz there is smell of uncook egg n some softdrink. I happily enjoying the barbecue food as well as playing with his friends.
Me blogged @ | 8:10 PM

*.* school reopen *.*
Tomorrow will be school reopen. Haiz sian got p.e. lesson again. There is MT lesson as well. I hope theres no MT tomorrow coz v boring. =(
Me blogged @ | 8:02 PM

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
*.* This is a wager you're sure to win.Go ahead. Take the chance! *.*
Wherever there is a human being, there is a chance for kindness.
Me blogged @ | 5:49 PM

*.* When love appears, hatred disappears *.*
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
Me blogged @ | 5:45 PM

Tuesday, September 2, 2008
*.* How can you be more useful to others? *.*
If all human lives depended upon their usefulness, there would be a sudden and terrific mortality in the world.
Me blogged @ | 11:40 PM

*.* Life can be hard. Help another person take it easy. *.*
What do we live for, if not to make life less difficult for each other?
Me blogged @ | 11:38 PM

*.* What a splendid perspective on life! *.*
Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which i have got a hold of for the moment, and i want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.
Me blogged @ | 11:35 PM

*.* Poetry *.*
Can you believe it? A simple piece of shit can get printed into books and win award. hmm take a look at it. titled: Two people I beat you. You beat me. We beat each other. Until happy. Until harmony. Isn't that a piece of shit? Ok granted that this poem is about the Singapore riot that broke out between the Malays and the Chinese on Prophet Muhammad's birthday that left 22 dead and 454 injured, however this piece of shit doesn't even deserve an award. lol wana see an award piece of poetry? Let me show u a piece of Maths "poetry". LOL Here's a "poem" on the prove that money is worthless $ = √Evil $² = Evil Since Good is opposite of Evil, hence Evil = 1/Good And since God is Good, God = Good God = ∞ Therefore, Good = ∞ Evil = 1/∞ Evil = 0 $² = 0 $ = 0 There! Ppl have tried proving why
girls are evil , now i've proved that money is worthless. HAHA =/
Me blogged @ | 11:27 PM