Sunday, November 16, 2008
*.* Rebecca's Afterthought *.*
Yesterday, Rebecca Mason,
In the parlor by herself,
Broke a handsome china basin
Placed upon the mantel shelf,
Quite alarmed, she thought of going
Very quietly away, Not a single person knowing,
Of her being there that day. But Rebecca recollected
She was taught deceit to shun;
And the moment she reflected,Told her mother she what was
done;Who commended her behavior,Loved her better,and forgave
Me blogged @ | 10:00 PM

*.* true nobility *.*
Who does his task from day to day
and meets whatever comes his way,
Believing God has willed it so,
Has found real greatness here below.
Who guards his post, no matter where,
Believing God must need him there,
Although but lowly toil it be,
Has risen to nobility.
For great and low there's but one test:
Tis that each man shall do his best.
Who works with all the strength he can
Shall never die in debt to man.
Me blogged @ | 9:48 PM

*.* The comparison Trap *.*
It's pretty common for us to look at certain teenagers and complain about how smart they are, how good-looking they are, or how popular they are, feeling as if we fall short in comparison. It's also common for us to look at other teenagers and think,Well, I look better than her, or, i'm smarter than him.One direction makes us feel awful about ourselves, opening the door to envy and jealousy. The other direction leads us to become prideful. Either direction can consume our minds ans hearts and steer us off course, away from our life's purpose.We need to follow our own god-given course and be the best we can be.
Me blogged @ | 8:45 PM

*.* read what david had to say about god's blessing in his life *.*
I said to the LORD," You are my Master!
All the good things i have are from you...."
LORD, you alone are my inheritance,my cup of blessing.
You guard all that is mine.
The land you have given me is a pleasant land.
What a wonerful inheritance!
I will bless the LORD who guides me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
I know LORD is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
No wonder my heart is feel with joy,and my mouth
shouts his praises!
Me blogged @ | 8:34 PM